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Kenneth R. Kresge
William T. Abare III
Elena Hayes
Management Team
Nemanja Damjanovic
Kathleen Philcox
Tax Preparation
Forensic Accounting
Peer Review
Tax Planning
Attestation Services
Business Valuation
Trust and Estate Matters
Litigation Support
Financial Management
IRS Representation
Accounting Information Services
Professional Services
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Internship Opportunity
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Our Services
Attestation Services
Accounting and Financial Services
: Owners of all business sizes have various types of accounting and financial needs. AKA has assembled a team of professionals that will provide your company with the accounting and financial services that you require, no matter how basic or in-depth. By choosing AKA for your review, compilation, and other accounting services, you’ll improve cash flow, cut costs, streamline processes, and improve production. AKA performs all facets of client accounting for both not-for-profit and for-profit clients, including:
Full range of bookkeeping, accounting, and compilation services
QuickBooks, Sage, and other accounting software set-up and training
Complete financial statement analysis
Cash flow projections
Assistance in lease vs. buy decisions for management
Budget development and preparation
Temporary staffing for an accounting department
Development of accounting department policies and procedures
Review Services
: Whether for lending, bonding, or other regulatory requirements, an organization may require a review of its financial statements to generate limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to conform with generally accepted accounting standards. The scope of a review is smaller than an audit but larger than a compilation.
Audit Services
: An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The purpose of an audit is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Our audit approach is unique: Risk based auditing requires that the use of statistical and substantive testing be used in accordance with the relative risk of each audit area. AKA will also use substantive testing and will make a selection of certain transactions after completing an analysis of the internal control descriptions supplied by management. AKA believes strong communication must exist between management and the auditor. During the audit planning, field work, and review process, AKA periodically will advise the executive director or audit committee of any potential concerns or findings. Our quality control system subjects all audit engagements to a three-tier review process to ensure the highest quality work product possible. Bill Abare, the audit partner in the firm, is involved in the audit planning, risk analysis, and review process (encompassing both the technical worAKAper review and the full report review) on all audit engagements.
Compilation Services
: A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management.
Attestation Services